The Cat Association of America
The Cat Association of America is a sister company to The Brain Bureau of Research, EMP, The Council, and others! We love cats.
Editor's Picks

Other breeds

While Siamese cats are extremely fond of their people, they will follow you around and supervise your every move, being talkative and opinionated. They are a demanding and social cat, that do not like being left alone for long periods.

Persians are sweet, gentle cats that can be playful or quiet and laid-back. Great with families and children, they absolutely love to lounge around the house. While they don’t mind a full house or active kids, they’ll usually hide when they need some alone time.

Scottish Fold
The Scottish Fold is a sweet, charming breed. She is an easy cat to live with and to care for. She is affectionate and is comfortable with all members of her family. Her tail should be handled gently. Folds are known for sleeping on their backs, and for sitting with their legs stretched out and their paws on their belly. This is called the "Buddha Position".

The Sphynx is an intelligent, inquisitive, extremely friendly people-oriented breed. Sphynx commonly greet their owners at the front door, with obvious excitement and happiness. She has an unexpected sense of humor that is often at odds with her dour expression.